Madrid City Branding
Last March, Madrid City Council lunched a design contest to create the new branding for Madrid. The new brand of the capital had to represent Madrid as a contemporary city full of life that welcomes those who wish to start new beginnings.
Visual Identity
App Design

Madrid is a city that has always been considered as a welcoming and friendly place. The reason behind these facts come from the idea that the vast majority of the city’s inhabitants are immigrants coming, to a greater or lesser extent, from all over Spain. As a metaphor of this, the brand wants to represent Madrid as a city that “open its doors” to everyone. The brand makes reference to one of the most significant monuments in the city, La Puerta de Alcalá. Through the use of the arches that give shape to this monument, Madrid is represented as a sustainable place full of new opportunities, innovation, culture and good quality of life.

4. Styling the shape “M” to create a more memorable and contemporary symbol.
1. Basic shape inspired by the arches in the Puerta de Alcalá. Monument that welcomes visitors.
2. Add a second shape
because in Madrid there
is always room for one more.
3. Join both arches shaping the letter “M”, because Madrid is about bringing people together and reunions.

To represent the new values of the city, a series of icons are created based on the original shape of the arches in La Puerta de Alcalá. This visual language of the brand will later be applied to reproduce different applications of the brand.