Redesign of the Spanish flag.
For the last project of the course at university, we had to create our own briefing. As a social graphic designer, I decided to do a personal project and address the debate generated by the Spanish flag in my country through design and creative thinking.
Flag Design
Visual Systems
Motion Graphics

Due to the recent history of the country and the political abuse that has been carried out on the flag for years, many Spaniards do not feel represented by the national flag. This project questions the traditional use of flags and aims to represent the change and evolution in the Spanish society nowadays.
After conducting my research on the origins of the Spanish flag and surveying people about their opinions, I found out that the vast majority agree in thinking that in Spain we have a huge problem with our national symbols.
One of the things that most caught my attention during this process, is the fact claimed by people that the current flag does not represent the entire country.

To respond to the idea that our current flag does not represent the entire country, a graphic synthesis of the 17 flags that represent each of the autonomous communities in Sapin is made. The new design is later animated under the concept that traditional flags cannot represent today's changing and ambiguous societies.

To ensure that the new flag continues changing over time, some guidelines are provided for those who wish to create their own module. This allows people to participate in the creation of the flag and its contents, showing simultaneously the evolution of the Spanish society through their creations.
All this module designs created by people would be collected in an online Gallery, where people can choose annually the most representative designs to include it in the flag. To represent how this process work, I created my own symbol based on the idea of light and joy. This symbol will be applied afterwards as the identity of the project.